ECO-Oasis Air Sanitization Integrated System
What is EC-OASIS
EC-OASIS balances air sanitation / IAQ, with temperature control / energy saving. Its building management system will adjust the fresh / recycled air supply mix according to fresh air demand and the number of people present. This will reduce the cooling load, and in turn reduce energy consumption while maintaining air quality. It uses high end HVAC and IAQ components.
It is an holistic system: ECO-Health created EC-OASIS with its own brand HVAC, IAQ, and control components.
This approach:
i) ensures compatibility across every component;
ii) reduces the technical barrier for the clients since they do not have to approach multiple suppliers from different disciplines and;
iii) simplifies any maintenance complications.
Applicable with 4 different kinds of air sanitizers and fresh air devices for group control manual on/off orautomatic mode;
Each device is connected to the display panel for operation in parallel;
Monitoring Sensor (PM2.5, TVOC, CO2, temperature and humidity, and formaldehyde);
Provide sanitizations and fulfill 6-times air change requirement